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Have You Been Injured by a Defective Product? Know Your Consumer Rights

on Thursday, 29 September 2016.

If you are injured by a defective product, here is what you should know.

Augustines 750X450

Recently people have been injured by exploding e-cigarettes and vapers. Over 2 million people in the UK use e-cigarettes. They have caused some very severe injuries.

If you are injured by a defective product, here is what you should know.

Know Your Rights

If you are injured as a result of a defective product, or if any of its component parts are defective, you can usually recover compensation from the person who made it or sold it to you. A claim can be made under the Consumer Protection Act or the common law of negligence.

What do I need to do?

In order to make a successful claim for compensation, you must prove that there was a defect in the product and that the defect caused your injury or loss of damage. It may be necessary to get expert evidence on this.

How much will it cost me?

Augustines Injury Law deals with cases on a no win no fee basis. This means that if your claim is not successful then you should not be charged anything.

If you want to find out if you have a claim, please call Dawn Mardling on 0117 314 5312 or Nicola Bickham on 0117 314 5330  for a free assessment. We will be happy to discuss whether or not we believe you will be able to make a successful claim.