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Single Central Register Training - London (2)

Our training will benefit recruitment staff who have a responsibility for carrying out and recording pre-appointment checks and those who are involved in this aspect of the inspection process.

Cost per Person

£ 114.00 (incl VAT)
24 Apr 2018

10.00am - 1.00pm

01923 919 322

Please note: this is a repeat of the event run on 6 February.

Single Central Register Training

Safer recruitment is central to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and forms a key aspect of the inspection process. Schools must ensure that they properly carry out, record and evidence a raft of pre-appointment checks as part of the recruitment process. A key part of this is maintaining the Single Central Register (SCR) and ensuring that it meets regulatory requirements. The SCR is the most common source of inspection failure but misinterpretation and misconception about what is required is just as common.

VWV provides specific training on the SCR and the pre-appointment checking process which covers the following:

  • Pre-appointment checks - understand what checks are required for the various parts of your workforce.
  • Record keeping - understand what evidence you need to retain of the checks you complete.
  • Know your SCR obligations - in depth practical discussion of the SCR, how it should be presented, what it must include, what's not required and how it should be maintained.
  • Inspection compliance - understand your minimum requirements and gain the confidence to challenge misconceptions prior to and during inspection.

Who Should Attend?

Our training will benefit all staff who have a responsibility for carrying out and recording pre-appointment checks and those who are involved in this aspect of the inspection process.

Further Information
You will be given a model SCR to take home for use in yourschool and will receive a 50% discount on the VWV Safer Recruitment Pack, which contains a wide range of compliant recruitment documents (full price £300 incl VAT). Schools who buy the Pack will also benefit from access to our Safer Recruitment updates through our Academies OnStream website.