This information is prescribed in section 1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 and is commonly known as a 'section 1 statement'. It must currently be provided within 2 months of employment commencing and can usually be found within an offer letter or a contract of employment, or a combination of both documents.
The position is changing from 6 April 2020 for all new starters. The key changes from 6 April 2020 are:
Now is the time to review and consider your school's employment documentation in preparation for April 2020. It is reassuring that many schools already provide the majority of the additional information that will be required from April 2020 in the employment contract and it is common practice to provide this well in advance of employment commencing, sometimes at the same time as the offer letter. Schools will need to consider the timing of the provision of the employment contract, specifically for part-time staff, where the specific working days (for the first year of employment at least) are not known until the timetable is finalised.
For those schools operating the VWV template contracts only, minor changes will be required as our contracts contain much of the information required already. We will be issuing an update to these contracts in the usual way in the coming months.