From your first day at VWV you'll experience the firm's strong commitment to developing all our staff to reach their full potential.
Your induction programme will be tailored to give you the best introduction to your new role, meeting new colleagues and learning our systems in order to support your effective performance. You will spend time in a range of departments, meeting colleagues from all areas of the firm. Helping you to feel at home as quickly as possible, it's also a great opportunity for you to find out about social & CSR groups.
We will work closely with you to make sure that you are up to date on our systems and procedures. Training is tailored around your needs, and is designed to be as relaxed and user friendly as possible. Our training sessions are interactive and fun, and we are always happy to help.
From webinars on the latest legal developments to hands-on training on new IT systems or seminars on a range of personal and professional skills, structured plans are developed for each individual, team and sector, all supplemented by mentoring and coaching.
This means that we're looking for people who are committed to their own development and to sharing knowledge and skills with others. Your manager's support of your professional development will include regular performance reviews to set objectives and plan your future development. Meanwhile, our Learning & Development Manager co-ordinates and delivers high quality training opportunities to everyone.
In addition, each department's expert users will be available to offer support with any IT software queries and our extensive knowledge sharing capability will ensure that you can always find out the answers to your queries.
Progressing Your Career
Our high performance culture and excellent service delivery demands the best people to service our clients effectively. We passionately believe in helping our employees be the best they possibly can be. We have a 'real time' feedback process in place, which commences with an annual 'kick-off' meeting with your manager where objectives are set. You will then attend check-ins with your manager every other month to review progress against these objectives and to agree new objectives in line with business need. A number of the check-ins throughout the year are also used to allow you and your manager to focus on next steps needed to achieve promotion. Your journey matters to us and we believe by keeping progress at the heart of your review discussions on an on-going basis, you will achieve your full potential.
If you are joining us as a Partner, you will experience a year long integration programme. We strongly believe that this dedicated focus on development in your first year will fundamentally make the difference to both the firm and to your personal development. The programme sees you aligned to a senior, experienced mentor within the business who guides you through the initial few months with VWV, introducing you to all of the key stakeholders.
You will be invited to quarterly review meetings with your Head of Department and our Managing Partner to check on progress against your business plan. You will also spend time in all of our offices, and have a 360° assessment after year one to help you focus on your objectives for year two.
"With a proven track record of attracting, recruiting and retaining strong lateral hires, we feel confident in the support, mentoring and development that we invest in our people." - Sarah Cook, Director of People and Culture