As part of their day to day operational life, schools and academy trusts will enter into a wide range of commercial agreements with third party suppliers and contractors.
When considering entering into an agreement with a third party there are a number of considerations that need to be taken into account, including public procurement issues, the form that the agreement should take, the commercial background and the intention of the parties.
Members of our team routinely advise clients in the education sector and understand the issues for schools and academies.
We can help with:
New and existing relationships with third parties for the joint use of facilities, including trading arrangements.
Contracts for the provision of IT infrastructure, hardware, software and associated support services.
Contracts for, or outsourcing, catering, cleaning, facilities management and other core services
Whether you want us to review supplier terms and conditions, need a bespoke agreement or want to develop your own standard terms, we can provide you with the straightforward commercial advice necessary to ensure that the contract accurately reflects the commercial intention and purpose of the relationship.
Technically impressive and good at providing practical advice in plain English.
We provide academies with experienced education lawyers who are always on hand to give practical solutions to problems and the confidence to react positively to opportunities.
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