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Land & buildings

Academies, MATs & Schools


Legal advice on academy land and buildings

Estate management can be a new area of responsibility for Heads and governing bodies of newly converted academies. Without expert support and guidance the processes can be time consuming and costly. Land and property can be a potential source of additional revenue, so understanding your requirements and legal position is crucial for getting the best for your school.

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Help with property and estate management

We act for maintained schools and academies on the full range of property and estate management matters. The benefits of instructing our dedicated and experienced team include:

  • Understanding the educational sector - we know the specific requirements placed on schools and academies in relation to land. We can help you navigate those requirements and secure all necessary consents under education and charity legislation.

  • Proven track record - we have advised on successful disposals and acquisitions of freehold and leasehold property for schools and academies. We recently advised on the redevelopment of a significant proportion of an academy's site with an estimated value of £29m.

  • Depth of knowledge - our team includes specialists in planning law who can advise on any constraints that planning legislation may place upon your site. We also have construction specialists should issues arise at any stage of a construction project or after completion.

  • Practical support - many schools enter into letting arrangements with third parties or allow staff to occupy residential accommodation on site. We have precedent documents to assist you with more routine arrangements.

  • National presence - we have working relationships with the DfE and numerous local authorities which we can call upon should site issues arise.

  • Pragmatic solutions - we have advised on several complex transactions for schools and academies. We have drafted documents allowing alternative methods of acquiring new sites and facilities to proceed.

Legal support

Whatever type of project you are considering, we would be pleased to have an early discussion with you to help formulate the best approach for your school to adopt. Site visits are often invaluable and something that we often find in the long run can save time as practical points can be viewed in context.

Please contact Simon Linnitt on 0117 314 5292, for an initial discussion.

Technically impressive and good at providing practical advice in plain English.

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Meet the Team

We provide academies with experienced education lawyers who are always on hand to give practical solutions to problems and the confidence to react positively to opportunities.

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Alice Reeve - Education Employment Lawyer in Bristol - VWV Law Firm
Matthew Wolton -Partner in Bristol

News & Events

VWV puts its most junior lawyers in charge of shaping the firm’s AI strategy
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8 Jan 2025
VWV advises global leader in learning and development on strategic acquisition
The Cegos Group has acquired Interactive Workshops, a UK and US-based learning and development innovator.
6 Nov 2024
Employment Law Update for Academies and Maintained Schools
Join VWV’s employment law experts at our live webinar for the latest updates and practical guidance on preparing for legislative changes
11 Mar 2025