Keeping up to date with changes to the legal and regulatory compliance framework for academy trusts has increasingly become a full time job.
There are additional challenges for MATs in seeking to update and implement compliant policies and procedures across its academies in a consistent way.
We have developed the Compliance Toolkit as a way of harnessing the collective knowledge of all our specialist lawyers to deliver peace of mind to trust leaders.
The Compliance Toolkit automatically updates you on changes to legislation and statutory guidance, signposting actions needed.
The Compliance Toolkit comprises four modules for you to choose from, which apply to academy trusts:
Click here to view an example of one of the monthly updates you’ll receive with your Compliance Toolkit.
You can purchase each module for a fixed monthly fee and bolt on additional models if you have purchased the School Inspection module.
Subscribers can access a full archive of past updates for each module by registering to Academies OnStream.
Technically impressive and good at providing practical advice in plain English.
We provide academies with experienced education lawyers who are always on hand to give practical solutions to problems and the confidence to react positively to opportunities.
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