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Safeguarding advice for schools and academies

Safeguarding advice for schools and academies

Academies, MATs & Schools


A school's overarching duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of its pupils threads through its decision-making, policy and action at all levels. Media attention to several recent serious case reviews; Everyone's Invited and the Independent Inquiry into Child into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) has begun to raise public awareness of this important societal and legal issue. There has also been an increasing focus on the wider aspects of safeguarding, including how effective safeguarding culture is critical to the creation of a safe and supportive environment for all who come into contact with an organisation.

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How can we help?

Our safeguarding solicitors at VWV have the experience and expertise to help your organisation comply with its safeguarding responsibilities.

We work with schools and trusts on all aspects of their legal duties, often in complex circumstances, including under the The Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014; The Education Act 2002 and Keeping children safe in education 2022 including:

  • advice on the management of safeguarding risks
  • relevant advice on safeguarding in broader contexts, such as SEND, suspensions and exclusions matters
  • consideration of safeguarding governance arrangements and structures which facilitate effective oversight and delegation
  • how to set an effective safeguarding culture, including the development of preventative education, where people can raise issues of concern safe in the knowledge that appropriate action will be taken
  • the development of best practice safeguarding policies, procedures and codes of conduct
  • safer recruitment procedures and pre-employment checks
  • advice on how to manage, report and investigate current and non-recent allegations
  • advice on referral and reporting
  • advice on evidence within legal proceedings, including care proceedings
  • dealing with inquiries, inspections, complaints and claims
  • bespoke client training and regular free webinars

For advice and support on all matters relating to Safeguarding, please contact Miriam Carrion Benitez on 020 7665 00802 or Nicola Tarmey on 0117 314 5439.

Technically impressive and good at providing practical advice in plain English.

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We provide academies with experienced education lawyers who are always on hand to give practical solutions to problems and the confidence to react positively to opportunities.

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Alice Reeve - Education Employment Lawyer in Bristol - VWV Law Firm
Matthew Wolton -Partner in Bristol

News & Events

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VWV advises global leader in learning and development on strategic acquisition
The Cegos Group has acquired Interactive Workshops, a UK and US-based learning and development innovator.
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Employment Law Update for Academies and Maintained Schools
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