The pace of change can often mean that that keeping pupil policies up to date with changes in legislation and guidance can be onerous and time-consuming. To reduce this burden, we have developed a suite of template policies for academies and maintained schools that incorporate the relevant law and best practice.
Our Academies and maintained schools lawyers incorporate their knowledge and experience to ensure that the polices are comprehensive and easy to follow, whilst being robust and rigorous to withstand scrutiny by regulators, the courts or tribunals. The policies are also designed to provide staff with a clear and practical framework to apply, as well as being straightforward for parents to understand.
We regularly review and update the suite of policies to reflect new legal developments and guidance, as well as changes by Ofsted. Many schools and academies choose to adopt our template policies when planning for their next Ofsted inspection.
We can work with your school or Trust to provide you with regular reviews of the policies, as well as well as reviewing any bespoke arrangements.
Policy / Document |
Attentance |
Attentance Policy |
Behaviour and discipline |
Behaviour Policy (including Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions, and Searching, Screening and Confiscation). |
Use of Reasonable Force and Physical Restraint Policy |
Anti-Bullying Policy |
Policy on Smoking, Alcohol and the Misuse of Drugs and Substances |
Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils |
Suspensions and exclusions |
Suite of 18 template suspension and exclusion letters (accompanied by an explanatory cross-referenced table and a VWV guidance note on 'Writing Effective Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Letters') |
Complaints |
Complaints Policy (Academy level - for a single academy within a single academy trust) |
Complaints Policy (Academy level - for an academy within a multi academy trust) |
Complaints Policy (Trust level - for complaints about a multi academy trust) |
Inclusion and equality |
Special Education Needs and Disability Policy (including template for publication of SEN Information Report) |
Equality Policy (including template for publication of Public Sector Equality Duty objectives) |
Accessibility Plan (including detailed guidance templates on improving access for disabled pupils) |
Safeguarding |
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures |
Online Safety Policy |
Missing Pupils Policy |
Risk Assessment Policy for Pupil Welfare (for Academies, this is mandatory to comply with Paragraph 16, Part 3 to the Schedule of The Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014) |
Relationships and Sex Education Policy |
Relationships and Sex Education Policy (including detailed guidance for schools on curriculum mapping and consultation with parents) |
Health and safety |
Health and Safety Policy (including detailed guidance on risk assessments) |
Administration of Medicines and Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions (including template individual healthcare plan, template medical consent forms and records forms) |
First Aid Policy (including templates for school use) |
Educational Visits Policy (including sample risk assessment forms and consent forms) |
Other policies |
Charging and Remission Policy |
You can purchase each template individually or as part of a discounted bundle. Schools and trusts that subscribe to our legal retainer services are entitled to a 10% discount on the price of our template policies.
Technically impressive and good at providing practical advice in plain English.
We provide academies with experienced education lawyers who are always on hand to give practical solutions to problems and the confidence to react positively to opportunities.
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