The guidance, now entitled 'Support and Intervention in Schools', confirms the Government's approach to tackling educational underperformance, financial mismanagement and failures of governance in schools.
Among other things, it addresses:
The key changes in the updated guidance reflect the removal of the single headline Ofsted grade (replaced with four grades across the existing sub-categories). In terms of academy intervention:
Maintained schools |
Academies | |
'Schools in a Category of Concern': a school which has been judged by Ofsted (in any sub-category or in respect of safeguarding) to require significant improvement of special measures. | The Guidance acknowledges the Secretary of State's current duty to issue a directive academy order to a maintained school which is in a Category of Concern*. | The Guidance confirms there to be a presumption in favour of issuing a termination warning notice for academies which are in a Category of Concern. |
'Double RI schools': a school judged to be 'requires improvement' (or a lower grading) in two consecutive Ofsted inspections. | Whilst they would still (currently) have legislative power to do so, as a matter of policy, the DfE will no longer issue a directive academy order in the case of a Double RI maintained school. (Note that some academy orders have been revoked for some schools where conversion was scheduled after 1 January 2025). | It will no longer be DfE policy to issue termination warning notices for Double RI academies. |
*The Bill provides for the removal of the duty as it applies to Schools in a Category of Concern such that the Secretaryof State has a discretionary power to issue an academy order rather than a duty. This is with the intention of ensuring that the individual circumstances and needs of the school can be identified and appropriate strategies put in place (which might or might not involve structural change such as academisation) to address performance. This could instead include support through the new regional teams referred to below.
The updated Guidance also explains the role of new regional improvement teams (referred to as 'Regional Improvement Teams' in the Guidance and 'Regional Improvement for Standards and Excellence' (RISE) teams in the Bill) which are expected to be providing support to schools from 'early 2025'. The aim of the RISE teams will be to provide targeted support to schools for particular areas of weakness and also to co-ordinate the DfE's improvement programmes offering more generally.
Interim support offers will be available to 'eligible schools'. The 'offer' entitles an eligible school to 10 days of support from a system leader and a school's 'eligibility' will turn on its Ofsted judgements and the timing of those judgements. It includes for example, schools which previously received an academy order on the basis of a Double RI but whose order has been revoked as the conversion was scheduled post 1 January 2025.
The RGs will use regional delivery partners (RDPs) to coordinate the offer and the RDPs will notify eligible schools of the offer. RDPs will then match up a system support leader where the offer of support is accepted. Note that whilst this is described as 'an offer', there may be circumstances where the RG has the power to require the relevant school to take the support.
The Education Secretary, in her speech at the Confederation of Schools Trust conference was clear that there is a role for strong trusts in the education landscape, stating that she wants "the best trusts to grow" and that "our best trusts will play a leading role". She further remains committed to introducing inspection across multi academy trusts.
Maintained schools looking to join a multi academy trust and existing single academy trusts looking to transfer their schools can still voluntarily apply for this through the RG, albeit that the conversion grants are no longer available to support with the transition.