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Procurement Act 2023 - Update

on Monday, 25 March 2024.

As part of the Transforming Public Procurement reform, the Government sought feedback on the secondary legislation that will sit under the Procurement Act 2023 (the Act).

The Government's response to these consultations has now been published - Consultation on draft regulations to implement the Procurement Bill.

The first part of the consultation focusses on areas of the Act such as the scope of light touch services, the interface with the NHS provider selection regime and application of the tests for the Teckal exemption for public to public contracts. Part 2 focusses on transparency, notices and the transition period to the new Act.

As a result of these consultations, adjustments will now be made to improve the drafting of the secondary legislation which will then be laid before Parliament.

The response to the consultations also confirmed that the Government is still expecting the Act to come into force in October 2024 after a minimum of 6 months advance notice which will commence from the date the secondary legislation goes before Parliament.

We will be reviewing the consultation responses and the secondary legislation so please keep an eye out for further updates from us.