Social enterprise is a strong and vibrant sector in its own right as well as being a characteristic of many trading charities. It can be a very effective way of delivering services for the benefit of the community, balancing social impact with commercial enterprise. Many commercial businesses also complement this endeavour, such as those with B-Corp status.
Social enterprises often demonstrate innovation in their work, a skill we understand very well. Social enterprise leaders need expert and commercial legal advisers who respond to the context.
Our social enterprise lawyers provide outstanding legal expertise to our clients. Allowing them to make clear decisions about the kind of structure they will need and how best to establish and develop their operations. We also advise on all aspects of the business as it grows and develops. Many members of our team are also involved with social enterprises themselves, ranging from community based initiatives through to larger scale operations taking on services which have been transferred out of the public sector.
As well as our knowledge of the social enterprise sector itself, our expertise in relation to charities and the public sector also informs our work for our social enterprise clients.
We advise on both the law and regulation specific to social enterprise as well as all aspects of operational law. This includes the range of suitable structures, finance and social investment, contracts, employment, property and governance.
Our charity lawyers have a broad variety of legal expertise and offer a full legal service to the charity sector.
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