Many academies are now operated within a multi academy trust with a view to securing efficiencies facilitating collaboration and securing sustainable school improvement. We have experience of working with a wide variety of MATs - large and small, sponsored or school led. Please see our multi academy trust FAQs.
looking to grow your MAT through the addition of further schools
thinking of merging your MAT with another MAT
looking to procure specialist HR and/or legal services and training for your MAT
Whatever your perspective, our experienced multi academy trust lawyers are here to help.
Our widely acknowledged expertise in academies, coupled with our outstanding commitment to the wider education and charities sector, enable us to deliver a high quality and cost effective service to multi academy trusts.
Extensive experience of the academy conversion process is obviously an important part of our experience as a whole, but we are also able to use our expertise and experience in the sector in relation to e.g. collaborative working, changes in governance structures, organisational response to rapid growth, the challenges in running a number of different operations in many locations gained in the wider education and charities sector .
We’re delighted to continue as trusted advisors to many of the multi academy trusts which we have helped to establish and have developed tailored packages of support for multi academy trusts in a variety of areas including:
Veale Wasbrough Vizards provides ‘excellent value for money' and ‘throws the right number and quality of lawyers at the problem'.
We have experience of working with a wide variety of multi academy trusts - large and small, sponsored or school led.
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