Independent schools have free access to OnStream which brings together in one place our legal solutions, know-how and resources for you to access at any time that suits you.
Content is categorised for ease of use and includes FAQs, guidance and templates including our entire suite of safer recruitment documentation and KCSIE e-quiz. We cover a variety of topics and expect more to evolve as we identify and respond to areas you need us to address.
All content is updated by our lawyers to keep you informed of the latest law and best practice and we will notify you when new content and resources have been added.
We also offer premium paid for content via OnStream. If your school has purchased any of our premium content such as the Compliance Toolkit or Safeguarding Governance materials, you can access these online and download the latest versions.
Over 600 schools are already making use of this portal.
If you haven't signed up already, don't miss out - simply enter your name, school and specify a password.
VWV's education team are commercially astute and keep up to speed with trends and moves in the independent school sector - they are therefore able to provide relevant and up-to-date advice to clients.
Our independent schools lawyers have a broad variety of legal expertise and offer a full legal service to the independent schools sector
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