Recruitment continues to be a challenge for academies and schools, as a result of which many turn to overseas labour markets to fill vacancies. It has therefore become increasingly more important for school HR teams to be familiar with the UK's immigration system, both in relation to ensuring that all school employees have the right to work in the UK, and - where needed - in order to sponsor visa applications by teachers and other school staff under the Skilled Worker immigration route.
Fortunately, VWV's specialist immigration team is on hand to provide academies, MATs and schools with prompt advice on all aspects of UK immigration law which school HR teams have to deal with.
Our highly-rated immigration team are well-known advisers to maintained schools and academies on all work-related immigration issues. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with practical and commercial solutions.
We advise on all immigration issues affecting academies, MATs and maintained schools, including:
Many of the general immigration queries we receive from academies can be dealt with under our Legal Services Retainer for no additional charge. Where a Retainer client requires more substantive immigration advice - such as support with an application for a sponsor licence, sponsorship of individuals and their visa applications, an immigration audit or training - then we are able to offer discounts to our usual fixed fees.
VWV is very good value for money given the excellence of its professional advice. First-rate knowledge of legal matters.
Our experienced team of immigration lawyers offer tailored immigration advice and guidance for both your business immigration and personal immigration requirements.
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