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HR & employment law

Academies, MATs & Schools


Employment law advice for academies, MATs and schools

HR and employment law issues demand careful handing for all academies and schools in order to secure the right outcomes.

We appreciate that you need prompt employment law advice that you can trust and which is tailored to your school. Dealing with staff is a specialist discipline that not only needs legal expertise, but also the sensitivity and perspective that comes with years of experience in the education sector.

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How can we help?

Our education employment team has a national reputation as advisers to maintained schools and academies on all education focused HR and employment related concerns. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with practical and commercial solutions.

We can advise on all HR and employment related issues in an education setting including:

  • Managing capability and disciplinary issues
  • Tackling sickness absence
  • Restructuring and redundancy processes including advice on consultation and selection and consultation with trade unions
  • Equal pay issues arising from historical differences in pay calculation

Model documents and templates

We also compile packages of template documentation designed to provide solutions to the needs of academies in a cost effective manner. These include:

  • A suite of academy specific employment contracts and a comprehensive employment manual with a free updating service
  • Guidance on joint employment arrangements across multi academy trusts, federations and school partnerships
  • Advice on trade union recognition and model collective bargaining agreements
  • Safer recruitment pack to guide an academy through the recruitment process from advert to offer letter
  • Appraisal training and toolkit
  • Pay policy guidance and training

VWV Plus - Employment Law for Managers (benefit from training)

Tailored support

Our experienced team is dedicated to providing specialist, tailored legal advice to steer you through the HR challenges and demands faced by your school. Knowing there’s an expert on hand to advise you and your governing body when issues arise gives you peace of mind.

To find out more about our specialist, cost effective HR & Legal Services Retainer, offering the full range of HR services, from practical day-to-day support to strategic advice, please contact Alice Reeve on 0117 314 5383 or Naseem Nabi on 0117 314 5630.

Technically impressive and good at providing practical advice in plain English.

  • Chambers & Partners legal directory

Get in touch

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Meet the Team

We provide academies with experienced education lawyers who are always on hand to give practical solutions to problems and the confidence to react positively to opportunities.

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Alice Reeve - Education Employment Lawyer in Bristol - VWV Law Firm
Matthew Wolton -Partner in Bristol

News & Events

VWV puts its most junior lawyers in charge of shaping the firm’s AI strategy
The secret to making AI work is to get people trained and enthused.
8 Jan 2025
VWV advises global leader in learning and development on strategic acquisition
The Cegos Group has acquired Interactive Workshops, a UK and US-based learning and development innovator.
6 Nov 2024
Employment Law Update for Academies and Maintained Schools
Join VWV’s employment law experts at our live webinar for the latest updates and practical guidance on preparing for legislative changes
11 Mar 2025