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Matthew Burgess - Education Consultant in Bristol - VWV Law Firm


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Education Consultant in Bristol

How Can Matthew Help You?

Matthew has over 25 years' experience in private practice, in-house at a FTSE 100 and, between 2008 and 2014, as General Secretary of the Independent Schools Council.

Matthew led ISC's successful challenge to the Charity Commission's approach to public benefit in 2010/11, in a judicial review described as 'the most significant case in charity law for 50 years'. 

Originally a corporate lawyer, Matthew has branched out to develop experience in school regulation and inspection, charity law, safeguarding, student immigration and effective governance. He has been a fierce advocate for independent schools in the media and with Government, most notably the Department for Education and UK Visas and Immigration.

Meeting Your Needs

Matthew combines more than a decade of practical and hands on experience as a corporate lawyer with a deep understanding of the threats and challenges facing the independent sector. With a career spanning private practice, in-house, and consulting, he understands client needs and sets high standards. As a former governor of Brighton College and Newland House, he helped both achieve excellent inspection reports and was instrumental in a range of strategic decisions, including domestic and international expansion.

Year of qualification - 1994

What Others Say

'Matthew has worked tirelessly to promote the independent sector and has been an extremely effective advocate for our schools.' - Barnaby Lenon, Chairman, ISC.

What You Might Like to Know

Formerly a Partner, Matthew now provides consultancy services via Intelligent Counsel. He is in constant demand as a speaker at national education conferences and has written for numerous publications, including chapters in the 'Leading Schools' series on public benefit and in the TES Independent School Governor's Handbook on safeguarding governance.