Specialist legal advice on regulatory compliance, professional discipline and critical incident management
We are a leading provider of legal services to the healthcare sector and are at the forefront of the latest developments and issues affecting healthcare, particularly primary and social care.
Our healthcare team has expertise in advising healthcare providers and professionals on all aspects of regulatory compliance, professional discipline, critical incident management and reputation protection.
We defend organisations and professionals subject to investigation and prosecution, arising from alleged regulatory breaches.
Quick Enquiry
We provide regulatory compliance advice and support in relation to CQC and HSE matters. We can assist with the following:
- Developing bespoke and practical policies and procedures to ensure regulatory compliance, and help you to prepare for CQC inspection.
- Challenging inaccurate inspection reports.
- Challenging CQC decisions to refuse registration or impose unnecessary compliance conditions, including representation in appeals to the First-tier Tribunal.
- Preparing action plans to achieve compliance.
- Representing you in linked proceedings, such as safeguarding meetings and inquests.
- Responding to your registration queries.
Healthcare professional discipline
Our specialist healthcare professional discipline lawyers represent healthcare professionals facing fitness to practise investigations and proceedings brought against them by their regulatory body. We can assist with the following:
- Responding to investigations.
- Representing you in fitness to practise hearings, including those brought by the:
- General Dental Council (GDC);
- Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS);
- Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC);
- Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC);
- General Optical Council (GOC);
- General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC);
- General Chiropractic Council (GCC);
- NHS England (in connection with primary healthcare lists); and
- Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS).
- Acting for you in relation to appeals against fitness to practise decisions and sanctions.
- Assisting you with registration applications and queries.
Coroner's inquests
Coroner's inquests can be a difficult and stressful experience for all concerned. We have extensive experience of representing organisations and professionals at inquests, particularly of a sensitive or complex nature. We can assist with the following:
- Undertaking and supporting internal investigations into deaths.
- Providing support and guidance when you, your organisation or your employees are asked to give evidence at an inquest or named as an interested person.
- Assisting you to respond to enquiries from the Coroner.
- Representing you at Coroner's inquests.
- Helping manage and protect your brand and reputation throughout the inquest process.
- Advising on avoiding and, if necessary, responding to a Preventing Future Deaths Report.
Critical incident management
We can provide you with practical legal support and assistance following critical incidents, such as safeguarding and serious injury or fatal accidents. We can assist with the following:
- Reporting requirements.
- Governance issues.
- Communication guidance and public relations management.
- Internal investigation and reports.
- GDPR requirements, including data retention, disclosure and confidentiality.
- Liability and liaison with insurers.
- Defence of civil claims for compensation.
- Defence of prosecutions brought in the criminal courts.
- Representation at safeguarding meetings, case conferences, police station interviews, inquests and public inquiries.
For specialist legal advice on CQC regulation, critical incident management or health & safety matters in the healthcare sector, please contact Ben Willis on 0117 314 5394.