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Setting Up a Primary Care Network - VWV Solicitors

Primary care networks

Primary Care Law Advice for GPs

Primary care networks - Frequently Asked Questions

Setting up a Primary Care Network (PCN)

We understand the pressures GP practices face setting up Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and the importance of getting this legally binding agreement right.

Our experienced team of over 30 specialist primary care lawyers are on hand to provide you with tailored legal advice and will work collaboratively with you to develop your plans, models, agreement and more. We can also support you by providing you with a data sharing agreement template.

Check out our latest PCN articles and our new PCN Legal Handbook to find out more, and subscribe to our free Healthcare Law Brief to ensure you're kept up to date on the latest legal changes in the healthcare sector.

For specialist legal support setting up a Primary Care Network, please contact Oliver Pool on 0117 314 5429.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How we can help

Supporting you with a data sharing agreement template 

We have produced a template data sharing agreement that you can use for your PCN as a stop gap, until the national template has been issued. Please contact us to find out more.

We also offer a fixed price package to support PCNs with their initial setup. This includes the following:

  • gathering information on the PCN members and their intentions so that we can advise on or "vet" your chosen or existing structure and ensure it is workable;
  • adding the relevant content to the Network Agreement to bring it to a stage where it can be signed;
  • ensuring that any employment contracts are structured in such a way as to minimise any VAT payable; and
  • advising on data sharing agreements.

We have also been supporting PCNs through face-to-face support sessions and have shaped our services around the needs and concerns of a range of GP practices and providers.

Advice should be taken in parallel from specialist medical accountants, and we can put you in touch if you do not already have the necessary support, or work with your existing advisers. We have close ties with AISMA and ICAEW and have been working closely with leading specialists in the sector to ensure a comprehensive and robust approach to developing your PCN.

This work can be completed on a fixed fee (price on application tailored to your circumstances).

PCN survey report & recommendations

We recently carried out research with our GP Practices for their thoughts around Primary Care Networks - find out what they said and our recommendations by clicking here

Further information

PCN Timeline

Date  Action
Jan-Apr 2019 Practices meet to discuss forming PCNs and begin to put together the Network registration requirements
By 29 Mar 2019 NHS England and GPC England jointly issue the Network Agreement and 2019/20 Network DES Specification
By 15 April 2019  Primary Care Networks submit registration information to their CCG
July 2019 Network DES, the new GP practice contract, goes live across England
July 2019 Agreements with other community organisations are concluded
July 2019 Key appointments are made and additional funding alerts
By April 2020 Clinical pharmacists and social prescribers are appointed in PCNs
By April 2021 First Contact Physiotherapists are available in PCNs and Primary Care training hubs are set up
By April 2022 Increased focus on heart and lung disease prevention, and Community Paramedics join PCNs

Download our latest PCN information sheet.

For specialist legal support setting up a Primary Care Network, please contactOliver Pool on 0117 314 5429 or make an enquiry below. 

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News & Events

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