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Sarah Outram - Senior Associate & Commercial Property Solicitor - VWV Solicitors


0117 314 5253

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Commercial Property Partner in Bristol

How Can Sarah Help You?

Sarah is involved in all aspects of commercial property including acquisitions and disposals, property estate management and non-contentious work involving landlord's and tenants. She assists schools on conversions to academy status as well as working with Free schools. Sarah is also part of the ecclesiastical law team and has experience in both ecclesiastical property matters and with the Church Faculty process.

Meeting Your Needs

Sarah has a background in both property law and property litigation and she has developed a wide range of commercial, practical and 'out of the box' solutions  to provide her clients with a straightforward legal service. Sarah finds her work interesting and varied.

What Others Say

"Very good support in property aspects of the transfer, especially when they became complicated at the 11th hour." Head at Academy

What You Might Like to Know

Sarah is not only a property lawyer, but also a member of the Ecclesiastical Law Association. She runs, cycles and enjoys rock climbing in her spare time.