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Fees in Advance Scheme FAQs

on Wednesday, 12 June 2024.

Independent schools have a long history of offering flexible payment arrangements to parents. Fees in Advance (FIA) schemes are one such option.

With the upcoming election and potential changes to independent schools’ VAT exempt status, many schools have seen an increased interest from parents in making prepayments. Schools should consider whether the FIA schemes they offer remain suitable and effective.

In the last 18 months we have supported more than 130 schools with their FIA schemes and continue to advise and guide schools during this pre-election period.

We have reproduced below some of the most frequently asked questions which we hope you find helpful.



How we can help

VWV are the leading law firm for independent schools, well known in the sector for advising on contractual relationships with parents. Our experience in advising on FIA schemes is extensive.

Does your FIA scheme help your school and parents alike achieve their objectives with a clear and unambiguous contractual arrangement?

We would be delighted to discuss any concerns you have with your FIA scheme, arranging a new scheme or managing parents’ enquiries. Please contact Susie Luckman, in our Education team on 07468 698 972, in the first instance.


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