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Managing Allergies in Schools

on Monday, 24 October 2022.

Allergies are the most common chronic condition in childhood affecting 5-7% of children. Despite this many schools we speak to are confused about how best to manage allergies.

That is why are so pleased to be collaborating with the Allergy Team to share our legal expertise to help schools manage the complex issues that supporting children with allergies at school.

It is true to say that the issue of allergies in schools does involve schools having to consider and often balance competing legal issues including those of health and safety, equality and data protection.

We are often asked what to do when these issues seem to conflict. The simple answer is that schools need to take a common sense, risk-based approach to dealing with allergies. Whilst it is absolutely essential that schools have in place appropriate policies and procedures, there is 'no one size fits all' approach, as all children with allergies are different, so a risk-based approach is key.

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What Can Schools Do?

Schools need to work carefully with parents and the child's medical team to understand and agree the child's care plan. There is lots of helpful guidance out there for schools including a model policy and paediatric allergy plan. Schools can also purchase spare adrenaline pens.

What to Do if Something Goes Wrong?

With recent high profile cases and the introduction of Natasha's Law, allergies are often in the news. And whilst fatal reactions are thankfully rare, schools are increasingly having to manage children with severe and sometimes life threatening allergies. This responsibility can often weigh heavily on schools and their staff.

In reality, even with the best policies, procedures and training in place, things can still go wrong. Having in place clear emergency plans which are understood by all is absolutely key.

Once a reaction or near miss takes place, it is so important that schools seek to learn from the incident and work with parents and other stakeholders to rebuild trust and confidence. Schools should also consider whether such incidents trigger a school's regulatory and reporting obligations.

If you would like to discuss managing allergies in your school or need help dealing with an incident or near miss please contact Natalie Wargent or Louise Gilmer in our Education team, alternatively complete the form below.

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