In association with Eventum Partners and supported by Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership
At: Online
The opportunities in life sciences have never been more exciting and the UK is playing a leading role.
Genomics England is transforming the way patients are treated as individuals through the 100,000 Genomes Project and other genome mapping projects. Personalised targeted treatments including CAR-T and other cell and gene therapies are emerging. Meanwhile, AI technologies are revolutionising the way we discover new uses for drugs and improve the pharma supply chain with efficiencies and better analysis.
Given the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, we are delighted to be bringing you the first-ever virtual 2020 PING Conference on Thursday 26 November 2020.
This one full-day virtual conference includes:
PING is renowned for its personalised approach, giving you the opportunity to develop and cement relations with existing contacts and meet new people. The informative programme will translate into the online format in an interactive way. We are excited with the opportunities that this new format brings, and are looking forward to doing things a bit differently this year.
View the latest Conference synopsis.
By invitation only, join us on 26 November 2020 (rescheduled from 3 June 2020) to hear about Britain's exciting life sciences future.
The cost of this virtual online conference is £95 (plus VAT if applicable).
To request a place, please email the events team (Please note this is an invitation only event)
View the latest Conference synopsis.
PING has developed a strong reputation for top quality speakers and is a fantastic opportunity to learn, network and reflect on the changes that are impacting the pharma industry. You will come away with a greater understanding of what the future looks like for the industry as well as some very useful industry contacts.
The rate of this virtual online conference is £95 (plus VAT if applicable) (please note this is an invitation only event).
Don't miss out, email us today to book your space