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Bristol Office Relocation

on Friday, 06 November 2015.

We are delighted to have moved into our newly refurbished Bristol office, Narrow Quay House (NQH).

NQH reception 750x450

Our new waterfront location is just a stone's throw from our previous office in Orchard Court.

Our new Bristol office address:

Narrow Quay House (map)
Narrow Quay
DX 7831 Bristol *

Tel: 0117 925 2025 *

* Please note that our telephone number and DX address remain unchanged.

The NQH refurbishment project started over a year ago back in June 2014, and we've documented the journey in our NQH blog.

If you're visiting us please note that our entrance is on Narrow Quay, located at the end of Assembly Rooms Lane off Prince Street. On foot, you can walk along the waterfront to our entrance, either from the Centre or via Pero's bridge.

There is no parking available at NQH, but we are located next to an NCP car park.

We look forward to welcoming clients and contacts to our new Bristol office.

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