VWV acts for some of the country's most well-known charities, ensuring that they are able to carry out their mission and acquire the support they need to manage their long-term sustainability. The firm advises more than 1000 charities nationwide on a wide range of challenging and commercially-sensitive work.
The firm specialises in advising faith, healthcare, arts, and education-based charities on their legal affairs, with clients including Church of England Dioceses, museums & galleries and schools & universities. Our dedicated Charities team also provides invaluable support for charities in relation to the increasingly complex area of charity law and legislation.
Con Alexander, who leads our Charity Law team, commented:
"It is excellent to once again be recognised by Charity Finance for our work in supporting charities nationally. The challenges now facing charities are more significant than ever and our team works harder to provide our clients with the legal services and support they need to help them succeed.
To achieve this ranking for the fourth year running is a tremendous achievement and is a prime example of the level of trust and commitment our clients place in us to ensure their legal needs are met."