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Employment Law Articles and Blogs - VWV


Articles & Blogs Employment

Subject Access Requests - High Court Considers Motive and Proportionality

Friday, 28 August 2015

Individuals have a right to the information which an organisation holds about them under the Data Protection Act. This is known as a 'subject access request' or SAR.

Articles & Blogs Employment

What Happens to an Employee's Continuity of Employment on the Transfer of an Undertaking?

Friday, 21 August 2015

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has held that the 'time of the transfer' can include a date over a month before the date the actual transfer takes place.

Articles & Blogs Employment

Review of Tier 2 - Analysis of Salary Thresholds

Friday, 21 August 2015

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) is consulting on its review of the Tier 2 route and deciding on what salary thresholds should be imposed.

Articles & Blogs Employment

Right to be Accompanied in Investigatory Meetings

Friday, 21 August 2015

The High Court has held that a university's refusal to allow an employee to be accompanied by a representative of a professional defence organisation at an investigation meeting was unfair and breached the implied term of trust and confidence.

Articles & Blogs Employment

Social Media - Be Careful What You Post For

Friday, 14 August 2015

The Employment Appeal Tribunal has held that a dismissal for derogatory comments about an employer on Facebook was fair.

Articles & Blogs Employment

Agency Workers - Right to Be Informed of Permanent Vacancies

Friday, 14 August 2015

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has considered whether the right of agency workers to be informed about permanent vacancies extends to being considered for any permanent vacancy on an equal footing with permanent employees at risk of redundancy.

Articles & Blogs Employment

Reimbursement of Fees Paid by Union

Friday, 14 August 2015

Can a number of discrete fixed-term contracts be linked by a series of similar acts of less favourable treatment spanning the entire period of the engagement?

Articles & Blogs Employment

Illegal Working - Is your workplace at risk in the government crackdown?

Friday, 14 August 2015

On 10 August 2015, the Government announced a crackdown on businesses that employ illegal workers.

Articles & Blogs Employment

Public Sector Exit Payments - The end of the six figure pay-out?

Friday, 14 August 2015

In May, the government announced its proposal to introduce a cap of £95,000 on exit payments for public sector employees, following a review of the total cost of exit payments with the public sector.

Articles & Blogs Employment

Shared Parental Leave - What You Need to Know

Friday, 07 August 2015

The Shared Parental Leave provisions came into force in April 2015 and as such you may be receiving Shared Parental Leave requests from your employees.

Articles & Blogs Employment

Consultation on Preventing the Term 'Apprentice' from Being Misused

Friday, 07 August 2015

Further to our previous article about the government's intention to make the term 'apprenticeship' legally protected, the government has now opened a consultation seeking views on how best to implement this intention.

Articles & Blogs Employment

Hot Topic - Reforms to Industrial Action Laws and Trade Union Recognition

Friday, 07 August 2015

We reported recently on the consultation being undertaken on the Trade Union Bill.

Articles & Blogs Employment

Extensions of Time - What happens when there are two respondents?

Friday, 07 August 2015

A recent Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) case held that an Employment Tribunal (ET) must consider the position of different Respondents separately when considering extension of time.

Articles & Blogs Employment

'Working with Women' - Jeremy Corbyn's Proposals for Employment Law

Friday, 07 August 2015

Labour leadership contender Jeremy Corbyn, has released a document entitled 'Working with Women'.

Articles & Blogs Employment

Introduction of the 40% Support Threshold for Industrial Action Affecting Important Public Services - What are your views?

Friday, 31 July 2015

The Government intends to make it law that workers involved in providing important public services may only take part in official industrial action if: