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Articles & Blogs Healthcare

GPs and Locum Payments

Monday, 11 January 2016

Is it time to update your Partnership agreement?

GPs and Locum Payments

Articles & Blogs Healthcare

Healthcare Innovators and Entrepreneurs

Friday, 08 January 2016

In early December we hosted a seminar for innovators, disruptors and entrepreneurs in healthcare which was a fantastic success.

Healthcare Innovators and Entrepreneurs

Articles & Blogs Healthcare

GP Super-Federations - When a Federation is not Enough

Wednesday, 09 December 2015

GP federations are well established now and many are very successful.

GP Super-Federations - When a Federation is not Enough

Articles & Blogs Healthcare

Understanding the Legal Structure of GP Federations and Super Partnerships

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Increasingly Practices are joining forces in order to increase their economic clout.

Understanding the Legal Structure of GP Federations and Super Partnerships

Articles & Blogs Healthcare

The End of the GP Practice?

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

There's plenty of doom and gloom around at the moment given that practices are finding such difficulties recruiting. I was pleased to be able to advise a client recently that things weren't nearly as bad as they seemed.

The End of the GP Practice?

Articles & Blogs Healthcare

Annual leave: How Changes in Working Patterns Impact Upon Annual Leave Entitlement

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

A useful decision for employers that will have practical importance when calculating the holiday entitlement of an employee who has changed their working pattern by increasing their hours.

Annual leave: How Changes in Working Patterns Impact Upon Annual Leave Entitlement

Articles & Blogs Healthcare

A Healthy Balance - Debt Recovery and Mental Health

Friday, 03 June 2016

Recent reports record a worrying increase in mental health issues among the UK student population

A Healthy Balance - Debt Recovery and Mental Health

Articles & Blogs Healthcare

Expectation to Work Late Constitutes Provision, Criterion or Practice for Discrimination Purposes - Healthcare

Friday, 10 June 2016

Evidence suggests that GP workload is increasing and this could lead to longer working hours. But when does a choice to work late become an expectation?

Expectation to Work Late Constitutes Provision, Criterion or Practice for Discrimination Purposes - Healthcare

Articles & Blogs Healthcare

NHS Resolution

Friday, 13 September 2019

A recent NHS Resolution determination includes helpful confirmation that, if NHS England is satisfied that a partnership which holds a GDS contract has changed composition, it must issue a contract variation to reflect the change.

NHS Resolution

Articles & Blogs Healthcare

Uncaring Comments About Disability Can Amount to Discrimination - Primary Care

Monday, 09 May 2016

An employment tribunal has held that telling an employee with depression that “everyone gets depressed sometimes, you just have to pull yourself together” amounted to discrimination arising from disability.

Uncaring Comments About Disability Can Amount to Discrimination - Primary Care

Articles & Blogs Healthcare

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the CIC Model for PCN Companies?

Friday, 05 February 2021

This article explores why a PCN company may want to incorporate as a CIC, or convert to being one. It briefly outlines the main legal restrictions to be aware of when operating as a CIC.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the CIC Model for PCN Companies?

Articles & Blogs Employment Healthcare

Whistleblowing - Is it up to Employers to Decide if Disclosure Is Protected?

Thursday, 20 July 2017

When considering whether to dismiss an employee, employers should be cautious not to underestimate any disclosure made by an employee and whether this may amount to a protected disclosure under whistleblowing legislation.

Whistleblowing - Is it up to Employers to Decide if Disclosure Is Protected?