The updated Good Medical Practice applies to all doctors in the UK, but uses the term 'medical professionals' rather than 'doctors' as it will also apply to physician associates and anaesthesia associates, once they are regulated by the GMC.
Whilst the standards remain split into four sections or 'domains', they have been renamed and significantly restructured to make the new guidance easier to navigate, as follows:
The changes in the updated Good Medical Practice can be grouped under five key themes:
The GMC has also published a helpful summary of the changes under each heading, highlighting the new paragraphs from the updated Good Medical Practice under each of the above themes.
The GMC has also updated the definitions of 'must' and 'should', as follows:
Whilst these are familiar terms from the previous 2013 guidelines, these updated definitions provide greater clarity and distinction between the two terms.
This updated guidance also includes a detailed explanation on how the standards relate to fitness to practise procedures.
It is essential that GMC regulated medical professionals familiarise themselves with the updated Good Medical Practice, as a failure to follow the new standards could lead to a referral to the GMC and a fitness to practise investigation.