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Private Client Law Blogs - VWV

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Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Can We Expect Further Legal Action on Villiers v Villiers?

Friday, 16 April 2021

The matrimonial case of Villiers v Villiers has received a lot of attention over the last few years. The latest news is that Mr Villiers intends to pursue further legal action against his wife for misrepresentation.

Can We Expect Further Legal Action on Villiers v Villiers?

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Beware! Avoid Family Court Applications Unless Absolutely Necessary

Friday, 09 April 2021

It is no surprise that the courts are finding the volumes of cases coming through their doors challenging to manage. There are only a limited number of courts and judges available to hear cases, yet the number of cases continues to rise.

Beware! Avoid Family Court Applications Unless Absolutely Necessary

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Can Judges Order the Capitalisation of Child Maintenance?

Thursday, 01 April 2021

For over 20 years, family court judges have had the power to change periodical maintenance payments to a lump sum award to meet income needs. Historically this only related to spousal maintenance but, in a recent case also included child maintenance.

Can Judges Order the Capitalisation of Child Maintenance?

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Should You Wait for 'No Fault' Divorces?

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

From Autumn 2021, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 will introduce ‘no fault’ divorces.

Should You Wait for 'No Fault' Divorces?

Articles & Blogs Brexit Private Client

Managing Your Assets Abroad After Brexit

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

The start of 2021 marked the end of the Brexit transition period and the start of a new relationship with continental Europe. Many British families who live at, or own a second home in an EU country need to know how this will affect them.

Managing Your Assets Abroad After Brexit

Articles & Blogs Private Client Tax

Inheritance Tax - What Is the Residence Nil-Rate Band?

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes” wrote Benjamin Franklin in 1789. It is certainly still true that on death, your estate will be taxed at 40% of the value of your assets, exceeding any available tax-free allowances.

Inheritance Tax - What Is the Residence Nil-Rate Band?

Articles & Blogs Brexit Private Client

Private Client - Brexit Considerations

Thursday, 04 February 2021

Private Client analysis: On 24 December 2020, seven days before the end of the Brexit transition period at 11pm on 31 December 2020 (IP completion day), it was announced by the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, the UK and EU had negotiated a deal.

Private Client - Brexit Considerations

Articles & Blogs Contentious Probate Private Client

Wills Can Now Be Witnessed on Video Calls, But Beware the Pitfalls

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

This autumn, the Government amended the Wills Act 1837 in response to coronavirus (COVID-19).

Wills Can Now Be Witnessed on Video Calls, But Beware the Pitfalls

Articles & Blogs Private Client Tax

Possible Capital Gains Tax Changes on the Horizon - What Could This Mean?

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

If the recommendations of a recent report by the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) are adopted, more people may have to pay capital gains tax (CGT) when they dispose of assets.

Possible Capital Gains Tax Changes on the Horizon - What Could This Mean?

Articles & Blogs Contentious Probate Private Client

Can Your Will Really Last a Lifetime?

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Wills can ordinarily be re-written countless times to meet your changing needs because preparing a new Will invalidates any made before it.* However, the recent case of Legg v Burton demonstrates how sometimes, a Will really can last a lifetime.

Can Your Will Really Last a Lifetime?

Articles & Blogs Private Client

Do You Need an Attorney for Your Business?

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Lasting Powers of Attorney ('LPAs') have been around for a while, and enable a person to authorise someone else to make decisions on his or her behalf, in the event of physical or mental incapacity.

Do You Need an Attorney for Your Business?

Articles & Blogs Private Client

Brexit - Will It Affect the Inheritance Tax Treatment of Legacies to EU-Based Charities?

Friday, 18 December 2020

At 11pm on 31 December 2020, the transition period for the UK to leave the EU will come to an end.

Brexit - Will It Affect the Inheritance Tax Treatment of Legacies to EU-Based Charities?

Articles & Blogs Private Client

Giving To Charity In Your Will - Tax Traps For The Unwary

Friday, 18 December 2020

Many individuals want charitable organisations to benefit on their death. Charitable legacies are exempt from Inheritance Tax (IHT) and, if more than 10% of the net estate is left to charity, the rate of IHT charged is reduced from 40% to 36%.

Giving To Charity In Your Will - Tax Traps For The Unwary

Articles & Blogs Private Client

Will a Wealth Tax Be Introduced?

Friday, 18 December 2020

The pandemic has had a devastating effect on the public finances, with current estimates expecting the deficit to reach 19% of GDP.

Will a Wealth Tax Be Introduced?

Articles & Blogs Private Client

1975 Act Claims by Cohabitees - Top Tips for a Successful Settlement

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

VWV has recently settled a complex and long running claim under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975, brought by a cohabitee. After years of hard-fought litigation, the claim settled at mediation for a 7-figure sum.

1975 Act Claims by Cohabitees - Top Tips for a Successful Settlement