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Private Client Law Blogs - VWV

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Articles & Blogs Contentious Probate Private Client

FAQs - Does a Will Trump an Inheritance Act Claim?

Monday, 06 September 2021

Will disputes are a real concern for those who have taken the trouble to prepare their Will.

FAQs - Does a Will Trump an Inheritance Act Claim?

Articles & Blogs Contentious Probate Private Client

Deathbed Gifts Without a Will - Are They Valid?

Monday, 06 September 2021

COVID-19 has brought into sharp focus for those who do not have their legal affairs in order, the risk of suddenly falling ill and tragically dying without their chosen beneficiaries inheriting, because they have not prepared a Will.

Deathbed Gifts Without a Will - Are They Valid?

Articles & Blogs Healthcare Private Client

How Your Will Is Impacted by Ownership of Partnership Premises

Monday, 23 August 2021

The terms of your Will might interact with the way in which you own your share of a partnership premises, as illustrated in this must-read article for healthcare professionals.

How Your Will Is Impacted by Ownership of Partnership Premises

Articles & Blogs Contentious Probate Private Client

Business Lasting Powers of Attorney - Risk Management for Your Business

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

What would happen to your business if you became critically ill, ended up on life support due to a serious accident or illness, suffered a mental breakdown, or were diagnosed with dementia?

Business Lasting Powers of Attorney  - Risk Management for Your Business

Articles & Blogs Information Law Private Client

Can You Leave Digital Assets in Your Will?

Monday, 26 July 2021

During the pandemic our lives have shifted online to an even greater extent than before, meaning that digital assets are playing an ever greater role in everyday life.

Can You Leave Digital Assets in Your Will?

Articles & Blogs Contentious Probate Higher Education Private Client

Inheritance Act Claims - FAQs for Universities

Monday, 12 July 2021

Our Legacy Protection team answer some of our most frequently asked questions surrounding Inheritance Act claims and their impact on higher education institutions (HEIs).

Inheritance Act Claims - FAQs for Universities

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Managing Child Arrangements Over the Summer Holidays

Monday, 12 July 2021

The eagerly anticipated school summer holidays are nearly upon us. For many this brings a feeling of relief after what has been a difficult time for schools and businesses. But for some, including separated parents, the holidays can present difficulties.

Managing Child Arrangements Over the Summer Holidays

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

How to Resolve Parental Disagreements over Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccination

Monday, 28 June 2021

You may disagree with the other parent when deciding on vaccinating your child against coronavirus (COVID-19), which can create stress and tension. We explore the options available to help you resolve the situation without going to court.

How to Resolve Parental Disagreements over Coronavirus Vaccination

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

'No-Fault Divorces' Available from 6 April 2022

Tuesday, 08 June 2021

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 will come into force on 6 April 2022. Whilst the date is later than originally indicated, it is now fixed as a matter of Parliamentary record and we can look forward with certainty.

'No-Fault Divorces' Available from 6 April 2022

Articles & Blogs Private Client

Capital Gains Tax and Estate Administration - A Summary

Monday, 07 June 2021

Capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax that arises when a person disposes of an asset and makes a profit that is capital in nature.

What You Need to Know About Capital Gains Tax and Estate Administration

Articles & Blogs Private Client

How Does the Trust Registration Service Combat Money Laundering?

Monday, 07 June 2021

Transparency about beneficial ownership is recognised as a key way of combatting money laundering and terrorist activity. The EU has introduced a number of Money Laundering Directives, with this in mind.

How Does the Trust Registration Service Combat Money Laundering?

Articles & Blogs Private Client VWV Approach

Vulnerable Clients - How Can You Identify and Tackle Financial Abuse?

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

It is a sad fact that financial abuse of the elderly and vulnerable is often committed by someone in a position of trust, such as a carer, attorney or deputy. Solicitors have an important role to play in identifying and taking steps to rectify such abuse.

Vulnerable Clients - How Can You Identify and Tackle Financial Abuse?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family Private Client

Financial Proceedings - Is Coronavirus (COVID-19) a 'Barder' Event?

Monday, 10 May 2021

A Barder event is an unforeseen event which invalidates the fundamental basis on which a financial remedy order has been made. If this situation occurs, an application can be made to the Court asking for the order to be revisited.

Financial Proceedings - Is Coronavirus (COVID-19) a 'Barder' Event?

Articles & Blogs Private Client VWV Approach

Wills, Wheels and Automobiles - The Perils of Badly-Drafted Legacies

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

The importance of watertight Will drafting to protect charitable legacy income was recently highlighted in a High Court case concerning the construction of the Will of retired professional racing driver, Barrie Williams.

Wills, Wheels and Automobiles - The Perils of Badly-Drafted Legacies

Articles & Blogs Private Client VWV Approach

The Tricky Issue of Mutual Wills - Practical Tips for 'Policing' Agreements

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

It is widely accepted that mutual Wills can be fraught with difficulty and have the potential to result in complex litigation. How can you protect a client who is a beneficiary under such a Will, and minimise the risk of litigation arising in the future?

The Tricky Issue of Mutual Wills - Practical Tips for 'Policing' Agreements