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The Labour Manifesto: what Employment Law developments may be on the horizon for Schools?

on Tuesday, 25 June 2024.

With the likely imposition of VAT on independent school fees, the Labour Party have made a number of strong commitments to extending employment law protection - which are likely to have a significant impact on schools.

Labour published a Green Paper, 'Labour's Plan to Make Work Pay: Delivering a New Deal for Working People'. The Labour Party Manifesto contains a pledge to commit to implementing this in full and passing legislation within their first 100 days of office (although it is clear that many of these will require further consultation and legislation to be passed).

The proposals include:

  • Additional protection for staff on zero hours contracts
  • Ending fire and re-hire and instead suggesting that restructures are conducted through consultation and agreement
  • Introducing day one rights for protection from unfair dismissal (requiring employers to have a lawful reason and follow a probationary process to end employment)
  • Removing any service qualifying periods for parental leave and sick pay
  • Remove the different age bands for the minimum wage and ensure this is set at a genuine living wage reflecting the cost of living
  •  A focus on the protections for equality diversity and inclusion
  • Flexible working the default unless it is not reasonably practicable
  • A review of 'worker status' to consider the rights of workers and self-employed staff
  • Introduction of a single-enforcement body to uphold employment rights (particularly with regard to health and safety, minimum wage, worker exploitation and discrimination)
  • Extending the time period to bring an employment tribunal claim to six months
  • Increasing the rights of trade unions, including repealing elements of current law around the process requirements for industrial action

Whilst we currently do not have more details, we will continue to update clients on developments. In the meantime, schools may wish to consider any projects they have on the horizon and whether it is helpful to move forward any timelines before we see the implementation of some of these changes.

For more information or advice, please contact Alice Reeve in our Independent Schools team on 07741 271 363, or complete the form below.

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