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Paula Williams - Chartered Trade Mark Attorney & Solicitor in Bristol - VWV


0117 314 5616

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Partner & Chartered Trade Mark Attorney

How Can Paula Help You?

Paula specialises in trade mark law: choosing trade marks, protecting trade marks, using them, enforcing them, managing them, licensing them and selling them.

Paula enjoys working with a wide variety of clients including an international sports governing body, a cottage-industry jam maker, charities, educational institutions, family-owned businesses and startup businesses. She also provides specialist advice on international education projects.

Meeting Your Needs

Paula provides clear advice in plain English. She seeks to understand a business and its sector in order to provide focused trade mark advice and protection, whilst keeping costs proportionate.

Paula uses her extensive knowledge of trade marks law, and her network of trusted international agents, to secure the most cost-effective route to obtaining domestic and international trade mark protection for clients.

Paula is a member of the firm's family-owned business team and has worked on the trade mark issues associated with family businesses using the family name in the business name.


What Others Say

Ed Jones, Hunters Property Group Limited:

"Paula Williams is excellent. Paula has a good core understanding of the legal issues but also an understanding that commercially getting a workable solution is of more use to us. The fact that Paula is able to translate that practicality to us as advice so we (as layman) can relatively easily understand what is most likely to get the end result we are after is much appreciated."

Commercial & Operations Director, Hunters Property Group Limited:

"An intellectual property guru! An expert in analysis, interpretation, problem solving, dispute resolution and execution. Paula listens, understands and delivers. An asset to any business interested in brand protection."

Technology Manager at The Royal Mint:

"VWV consistently manage the workload and delivers on time and to budget. Paula grasps the issues and works to minimise the costs from the global offices."

Director at tinc Limited:

"Tinc Ltd was recommended to Paula Williams at VWV to give us international trade mark advice for our growing business. Paula immediately got to grips with what we required and prepared sensible and well thought out solutions to what could be an enormous undertaking for a small company. We are very satisfied with the service and would recommend them highly."

What You Might Like to Know

Paula frequently writes articles on trade marks, and has contributed a chapter on trade marks to a legal text book that will shortly be published.

Paula is an avid supporter of our clients' trade marks and has an impressive collection of 'trophies' bearing the trade marks with which she has dealt.