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Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Early Neutral Evaluations (or Private FDRs) and How They Can Work for You

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Early Neutral Evaluations / Private FDRs are gaining popularity in England and Wales due to the backlog of hearings the Court are experiencing.

Early Neutral Evaluations (or Private FDRs) and How They Can Work for You

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Should a pre-nuptial agreement be part of your wedding planning?

Monday, 08 January 2024

Couples often overlook pre-nuptial agreements, but with one in five marriages ending in divorce by their 10th anniversary and the courts becoming more inclined to uphold them, it’s worth considering one.

Should a Pre-nuptial agreement be part of your wedding planning?

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Five ways separated parents can support their children with extra-curricular activities

Monday, 27 November 2023

Most children will engage in some form of extra-curricular activity during the week such as sports, drama or music lessons. For separated parents, however, juggling these activities can be challenging. We offer five tips to help separated parents manage.

Five ways separated parents can support their children with extra-curricular activities

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

When does the duty to give financial disclosure in financial remedy proceedings end?

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

In financial remedy proceedings, complete and honest disclosure of all material facts is crucial.

When does the duty to give financial disclosure in financial remedy proceedings end?

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

The Importance of converting your separation agreement into a court order

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

If you have agreed a separation agreement with your ex-spouse then it is important to consider converting the agreement into an order approved by the court. Failure to convert a separation agreement into a court order can lead to financial consequences.

The Importance of converting your separation agreement into a court order

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Top Five Tips for Preparing for Mediation

Monday, 21 August 2023

Mediation works through having a mediator as the neutral party who facilitates communication and negotiations between the two parties directly involved in a dispute to reach a mutually agreeable resolution.

Top Five Tips for Preparing for Mediation

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

When Is Conduct Relevant in Financial Remedy Proceedings?

Thursday, 17 August 2023

Whether someone's conduct in proceedings should have a financial implication for them is always complicated. Often one person will feel aggrieved by the way that the other has behaved and how this has contributed to the relationship ending.

When Is Conduct Relevant in Financial Remedy Proceedings?

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

Identifying and Understanding Parental Alienation

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Separation or divorce isn't always amicable. If children are involved, it is important they feel they will still have a positive relationship with both parents. If children's behaviour changes, one parent may suspect parental alienation is occurring.

Identifying and Understanding Parental Alienation

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Should Mediation Be Mandatory?

Thursday, 13 July 2023

Those involved in private family law disputes may now be obliged to mediate their dispute under new Ministry of Justice (MoJ) proposals. Those not doing so could face fines for failing to reasonably attempt to settle this way.

Should Mediation Be Mandatory?

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Family Laws - The Rights of Cohabiting Partners

Monday, 19 June 2023

The UK Government Rejects proposals for cohabitation reforms once again. The percentage of cohabiting couples who are living together unmarried or not in a civil partnership has risen from 20.6% in 2011 to 24.3% in 2021.

Family Laws - The Rights of Cohabiting Partners

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

How to Talk to Your Children About Your Divorce or Separation - Our Top Tips

Thursday, 25 May 2023

Some parents will have extreme feelings of guilt as they feel they are breaking up their children's family. Some will find it difficult to know what and how to explain to their children what is happening.

How to Talk to Your Children About Your Divorce or Separation - Our Top Tips

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

Providing Full and Frank Disclosure in Financial Remedy Proceedings Is Essential

Friday, 05 May 2023

A recent case serves as a reminder to all parties in financial remedy proceedings the importance of providing full and frank disclosure, and the risks of not doing so.

Providing Full and Frank Disclosure in Financial Remedy Proceedings Is Essential

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Good Divorce Week 2022 - Top Tips

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Good Divorce Week 2022 commences week of the 28 November this year. The initiative seeks to raise awareness of the different ways families, where possible, can resolve their disputes away from Court.

Good Divorce Week 2022 - Top Tips

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

Navigating Child Arrangements Over Christmas

Thursday, 10 November 2022

The festive period brings joy to children all over the world, however, for divorced and separated families, Christmas can lead to conflicting ideas about where a child should spend the day and the activities they should be part of.

Navigating Child Arrangements Over Christmas

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

We Can't Agree Arrangements for the Children, Should We Go to Court?

Thursday, 10 November 2022

If you heed the comments of Sir Andrew McFarlane (President of the Family Division), then unless you require the courts protection from abuse, then the answer to this question should probably be 'no'.

We Can't Agree Arrangements for the Children, Should We Go to Court?