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Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family

Coronavirus and Child Arrangements

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

On 16 April, the Government extended the national lockdown for at least another three weeks, where people must stay at home except for a limited set of purposes.

Coronavirus and Child Arrangements

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Islamic Faith Marriages - What Are My Rights?

Friday, 01 May 2020

An Islamic marriage ceremony, known as a 'Nikah' was recently not determined to be a legal ceremony by the Court of Appeal. This meant that the couple in question were never legally married under English law.

Islamic Faith Marriages - What Are My Rights?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family

Separated Parents Warned Not to Exploit Lockdown Guidance

Friday, 24 April 2020

The President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, has warned that if parents are deemed to be exploiting the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown to stop the other parent from seeing their child, they could face court action.

Separated Parents Warned Not to Exploit Lockdown Guidance

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family

Challenging Divorce Settlements in Light of Coronavirus

Friday, 24 April 2020

The financial implications of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have already been felt by many, from the closure of businesses, reductions in income to the fall in stock markets around the world.

Challenging Divorce Settlements in Light of Coronavirus

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family Private Client

Domestic Violence During Coronavirus Lockdown

Friday, 17 April 2020

During the coronavirus lockdown we are being asked to socially distance and stay at home. However, home is not a safe place for some.

Domestic Violence During Lockdown

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family

Cohabiting During Lockdown - How To Protect Your Rights

Friday, 17 April 2020

Have you chosen to live with your partner for the first time during the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown? You are not alone, as many couples choose to live together rather than face a long period of time apart.

Cohabiting During Lockdown - How To Protect Your Rights

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

Divorce During Lockdown

Wednesday, 08 April 2020

With the UK on lockdown during the global coronavirus pandemic, couples looking to separate may be wondering how this could affect the divorce process.

Divorce During Lockdown

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

Digital Assets in Divorce

Wednesday, 08 April 2020

Almost all couples will have some form of digital assets - from digital photo albums and Netflix accounts to cryptocurrency - but how are these divided up in a divorce?

Digital Assets in Divorce

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family

What is the Impact of Coronavirus on Maintenance Payments?

Monday, 23 March 2020

As time goes on and the measures that are being imposed by the Government are being heightened, the indirect impact of Coronavirus (COVID 19) is getting even more far reaching.

What is the Impact of Coronavirus on Maintenance Payments?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family

Coronavirus - National Guidance for Family Courts

Monday, 23 March 2020

Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division and Head of Family Justice, has provided national guidance for the Family Courts.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - National Guidance for Family Courts

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

Let's Be Civil - Mixed-Sex Couples Now Have Right to Enter into Civil Partnerships

Wednesday, 08 January 2020

Under the terms of a civil partnership a couple is entitled to the same legal treatment in terms of tax, pensions, inheritance and next-of-kin arrangements as if they were married.

Mixed-Sex Couples Now Have Right to Enter into Civil Partnerships

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

Busting the Myth of Common Law Marriage

Wednesday, 09 October 2019

The number of cohabiting couple families has increased by over 25% since 2008, and has overtaken the number of couples getting married.

Busting the Myth of Common Law Marriage

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

Should a 50/50 Split Be Presumed When Determining Child Arrangements?

Friday, 13 September 2019

A recent poll* concluded that respondents agreed that the starting point should be that a child should spent equal amounts of time with each parent following a divorce or separation.

50/50 Split in Child Arrangements - VWV Law Firm

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

Is Cohabitation Becoming More Popular Than Marriage?

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

The Office for National Statistics published the results of their survey into trends in living arrangements this month and it included some interesting results...

Is Cohabitation Becoming More Popular Than Marriage?

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family

Is Court Really Necessary for Settling Disputes Regarding Your Children?

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division, recently reported that many court hearings involving children could easily be avoided, and that cuts to legal aid have resulted in more parents representing themselves.

Is Court Really Necessary for Settling Disputes Regarding Your Children?