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Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

How Should HEIs Manage Staff Who Are Reluctant to Return to Work After Coronavirus Restrictions Are Eased?

Friday, 15 May 2020

When lockdown was announced, many HEIs were plunged overnight into remote working. However, remote working is not possible for all employees and the Government has now issued new guidance on the circumstances in which staff should return to work.

How Should HEIs Manage Staff who are Reluctant to Return to Work After Coronavirus Restrictions are Eased?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Homeworking - What Are the Key Considerations for Higher Education Institutions?

Friday, 24 April 2020

Significant numbers of HE staff are now working from home and there is no clear indication from the Government as to when social distancing measures may start to be relaxed and there may be a return to some kind of normality.

Homeworking - What are the Key Considerations for HEIs?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education Immigration

Coronavirus - Immigration Update for Universities

Monday, 01 June 2020

The Government has published further updates to the Tier 4 policy concessions which have been put in place in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Coronavirus - Tier 4 Immigration Update for Universities

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Using University Property to Combat Coronavirus

Monday, 27 April 2020

While coronavirus (COVID-19) is placing all sorts of pressure on our daily business and personal lives, there are plenty of signs that many people are doing their bit in these difficult times. Good Samaritans are everywhere.

Using University Property to Combat Coronavirus

Articles & Blogs Higher Education

Construction Law - Managing Your Space

Monday, 27 April 2020

The latest AUDE - Estates Management Report 2019 highlights that repair and maintenance accounts for 32.6% of our universities' property costs. Energy is 18.7%, cleaning 18.7% and security 7.8%.

Construction Law - Managing Your Space

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education Procurement Public Sector

Essential Supplies and Services - Procurement Relief for Extreme Urgency

Thursday, 23 April 2020

The Cabinet Office's procurement policy note (PPN) confirms that the "extreme urgency" exemption can be used as one of the tools to respond to coronavirus (COVID-19).

Essential Supplies and Services - Procurement Relief for Extreme Urgency

Articles & Blogs Higher Education

Morrisons Not Vicariously Liable for Employee's Data Breach

Tuesday, 07 April 2020

We regularly advise Higher Education clients on issues surrounding data breaches. This week's decision from the Supreme Court in the Morrisons saga will therefore come as a welcome relief.

Morrisons Not Vicariously Liable for Employee's Data Breach

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Coronavirus - 5 Ways to Protect Your University Against Cyber Attacks

Tuesday, 07 April 2020

The UK has seen some incredible acts of kindness over the last few weeks as we rally together during this uncertain time. But unfortunately, amongst the generosity, there are cyber criminals working to exploit this situation.

Coronavirus - 5 Ways to Protect Your University Against Cyber Attacks

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Coronavirus and Student Matters - Advice for Higher Education Institutions

Tuesday, 07 April 2020

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to present unprecedented challenges for the higher education sector.

Coronavirus and Student Matters - Advice for Higher Education Institutions

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Coronavirus - Summary of Immigration Changes Affecting Universities

Tuesday, 07 April 2020

Amongst the raft of guidance issued by the government dealing with the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, universities will be keeping a close eye out for announcements affecting their international students and employees.

Coronavirus - Summary of Immigration Changes Affecting Universities

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Coronavirus - How Can the Job Retention Scheme Help Higher Education Institutions?

Friday, 27 March 2020

The Job Retention Scheme will enable employers to retain staff who are not required to work for the foreseeable future, who may otherwise be made redundant.

Coronavirus - How Can the Job Retention Scheme Help Higher Education Institutions?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Guidance on Working From Home - How to Stay Compliant

Friday, 27 March 2020

With a significant proportion of the population working from home for the foreseeable future, organisations are having to adapt to new ways of accessing systems and communicating.

Guidance on Working From Home - How to Stay Compliant

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Coronavirus and Commercial Leases - What Universities Need to Consider

Friday, 20 March 2020

As coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) continues to dominate the headlines, we explore its effect on commercial properties, whether a university is either a tenant or landlord, and answer your most frequently asked questions.

Coronavirus and Commercial Leases - What Universities Need to Consider

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Coronavirus and the Workplace - Advice for Higher Education Institutions

Friday, 20 March 2020

With Higher Education Institutions moving to online teaching and allowing staff to work from home and more staff self-isolating and social distancing, there has been significant disruption to normal working patterns.

Coronavirus and the Workplace - Advice for Higher Education Institutions

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Coronavirus and Student Matters - Advice for Higher Education Institutions

Friday, 20 March 2020

Coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) has created an unprecedented challenge for education providers, with the rapid move to online learning, previously considered second rate, now becoming the norm.

Coronavirus and Student Matters - Advice for Higher Education Institutions