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Articles & Blogs Higher Education

What 'Schrems II' Means for Your University's Data Transfers

Thursday, 03 December 2020

In July 2020, the European Court dealt a major blow to organisations that transfer personal data to the US, with the striking down of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

What 'Schrems II' Means for Your University's Data Transfers

Articles & Blogs Higher Education

When Do You Need to Collectively Consult?

Thursday, 03 December 2020

The obligation to collectively consult is set out in section 188 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (TULRCA) and derives from an EU Directive (the Directive).

When Do You Need to Collectively Consult?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data Protection Higher Education

Data Protection Considerations for Universities When Recording Lectures

Monday, 19 October 2020

As the pandemic continues, universities are looking to move away from in-person teaching, instead turning to online learning by providing recorded lectures.

Data Protection Considerations for Universities When Recording Lectures

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Tuition Fee Refunds - the Current Position

Monday, 19 October 2020

Following our previous blogs on this topic, we have prepared an update on the current position for higher education institutions.

Tuition Fee Refunds - the Current Position

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Protecting Staff Mental Health During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Monday, 19 October 2020

The human impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) and the different ways it can affect employees’ lives is coming more sharply into focus as the second wave is upon us and stricter local restrictions are imposed.

Protecting Staff Mental Health During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Tuition Fee Refunds - Students, Contracts and Consumer Rights in a Time of Coronavirus

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Back in March, a petition was created calling for tuition fee refunds for all students in higher education whose studies were disrupted first by strike action and then by the pandemic.

Tuition Fee Refunds -  Students, Contracts and Consumer Rights in a Time of Coronavirus

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Cyber Security Alert - Data Protection Update

Thursday, 10 September 2020

The NCSC has issued an alert to the academic sector following a spate of online attacks against UK schools, colleges and universities.

Points-Based Immigration System - What’s in Store For Universities?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Points-Based Immigration System - What’s in Store For Universities?

Thursday, 10 September 2020

On 13 July 2020, the Government published the prosaically titled 'UK points-based immigration system: further details statement'. What impact does this have on university students and staff?

Points-Based Immigration System - What’s in Store For Universities?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Reopening buildings and campuses: updated government guidance

Thursday, 10 September 2020

With students returning to campus, the Government has recently updated its reopening buildings and campuses guidance.

Points-Based Immigration System - What’s in Store For Universities?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Should Higher Education Institutions Ask Staff and Students to Wear Face Coverings?

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Face coverings must be used in certain circumstances or areas, public transport, when visiting hospitals and in shops, to conform to the current Government advice and regulations.

Points-Based Immigration System - What’s in Store For Universities?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

State Aid - New Horizons

Thursday, 10 September 2020

State aid has become one of the tensions in the UK-EU negotiations regarding a new deal. How it plays out will have important implications for the HE sector which relies heavily on grant funding for research and innovation projects.

Points-Based Immigration System - What’s in Store For Universities?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Positive Change and Innovative Working Practices Following Lockdown

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Whilst the lockdown has posed many challenges for working practices, we consider the positive outcomes of increased flexible working patterns and those working from home.

Positive Change and Innovative Working Practices Following Lockdown

Articles & Blogs Higher Education

A-Level U-Turn - Legal Implications for Universities

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

The announcement on Monday that A-level results will be based on teacher-assessed grades rather than Ofqual's algorithm and that the cap on student numbers has been suspended has thrown this year's already difficult admissions process into disarray.

A-Level U-Turn - Legal Implications for Universities

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Higher Education

Fees, Offers, and Grades - What's Changed in Higher Education?

Wednesday, 05 August 2020

How has the continued coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic changed the higher education landscape when considering student matters such as tuition fees, unconditional offers, and grades?

Fees, Offers, and Grades - What's Changed in Higher Education?