Copyright exists in a wide range of works. It exists in this website and in documents and images received and sent by you every day. Our experienced team of copyright lawyers advise on all issues relating to copyright law, have a strong record of resolving copyright disputes and are ideally placed to help you.
The question of who owns copyright can be crucially important. Unfortunately, the rules governing ownership of copyright are very complex, and often counter-intuitive. Similarly, the rules governing the infringement of copyright are often misunderstood. Our copyright lawyers can help you to understand the law and if necessary, help you to take legal action.
It is important to consider how you use copyright works belonging to others. For instance, if you instruct a photographer to take photographs for a brochure, they would typically own copyright in them. You would not be able to re-use those photographs, or even reprint the brochure without the photographer's consent. Our copyright lawyers draft copyright agreements that help you clarify such relationships from the outset.
We can prepare copyright licences and assignments to help you generate maximum returns from your copyright works.
The advice they give is excellent and they are extremely easy to work with.
You can be confident that our lawyers will understand your business and its intellectual property protection needs.
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