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Articles & Blogs Private Client VWV Approach

Smart Phone Video Recordings Form Vital Evidence in Will Challenge Trial

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

The defendants, represented by VWV, successfully defended all claims following a five day trial. The outcome turned on crucial video evidence of the testator, which was found to capture her level of understanding and robustness of character and mind.

Smart Phone Video Recordings Form Vital Evidence in Will Challenge Trial

Articles & Blogs Private Client VWV Approach

Deputy's Decision to Litigate - Court of Protection Warning Against Acting Without Authority

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

The Court of Protection (COP) has warned deputies against applying for retrospective authorisation to enter into litigation on behalf of a protected party, and set out useful guidance for practitioners to consider.

Deputy's Decision to Litigate - Court of Protection Warning Against Acting Without Authority

Articles & Blogs Private Client

How Could an Increase in Capital Gains Tax Affect You?

Wednesday, 02 December 2020

Many more people may have to pay Capital Gains Tax (CGT) if the recommendations of a Government-ordered report are adopted.

How Could an Increase in Capital Gains Tax Affect You?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family Private Client

England Lockdown - Childcare Arrangements

Tuesday, 03 November 2020

From 5 November, national coronavirus restrictions will replace current local restrictions in England, but what does this mean for separated parents spending time with their children and grandparents seeing their grandchildren?

England Lockdown - Childcare Arrangements

Articles & Blogs Contentious Probate Private Client

Can Your Will Really Last a Lifetime?

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Wills can ordinarily be re-written countless times to meet your changing needs because preparing a new Will invalidates any made before it.*

Can Your Will Really Last a Lifetime?

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

We've Agreed How To Divide Our Assets As Part of Our Divorce, Why Would I Need a Solicitor?

Friday, 09 October 2020

Working in what can often be a highly contentious area of the law, it does make a pleasant change to get a call from a client who advises that they have agreed how to divide their assets.

We've Agreed How To Divide Our Assets As Part of Our Divorce, Why Would I Need a Solicitor?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Private Client

Wills Witnessed on Video Calls Made Legal from 28 September 2020

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

This summer, the Government announced that it would revise its Wills legislation in response to coronavirus (COVID-19) and from 28 September 2020 the necessary legislation to temporarily permit Wills to be witnessed by video conference...

Wills Witnessed on Video Calls Made Legal from 28 September 2020

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Can Similar Fact Evidence Be Used in Children Proceedings?

Monday, 07 September 2020

The case of R v P (Children: Similar Fact Evidence) [2020] EWCA Civ 1088 considered whether the mother, who objected to the father having contact with their children, could adduce evidence that the father also subjected a new partner...

Can Similar Fact Evidence Be Used in Children Proceedings?

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family Private Client

Adapting to the New Normal

Friday, 04 September 2020

As children return to school perhaps life will begin to feel slightly more 'normal'.

Adapting to the New Normal

Articles & Blogs Contentious Probate Private Client

Wills Made on Video Calls Will Soon Be Possible - But Beware the Pitfalls

Monday, 27 July 2020

The Government has announced it will revise the Wills Act 1837, in response to coronavirus (COVID-19). Making a Will has never been more important for many. However, without expert advice, it's very easy to invalidate your Will.

Wills Made on Video Calls Will Soon Be Possible - But Beware the Pitfalls

Articles & Blogs Contentious Probate Private Client

What Inheritance Rights Do I Have if My Partner Dies?

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

A sharp rise in inheritance disputes is likely to be another unhappy legacy of coronavirus (COVID-19). For anyone so unfortunate as to lose their partner, it can be a shock to discover there is no such thing as common law marriage and inheritance rights.

What Inheritance Rights Do I Have if My Partner Dies?

Articles & Blogs Divorce & Family Private Client

Maintenance Awarded in English Court Despite Divorce Proceedings in Scotland

Monday, 13 July 2020

The Supreme Court has ruled that financial remedy proceedings can be brought in the UK, despite divorce proceedings being issued in Scotland. Have the floodgates to 'forum shopping' been opened?

Maintenance Awarded in English Court Despite Divorce Proceedings in Scotland

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family Private Client

Negotiating Finances in Divorce During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Thursday, 14 May 2020

The pandemic has sent financial shockwaves throughout the world. For those who are negotiating their finances on separation, the current climate may pose some challenges.

Negotiating Finances in Divorce During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Divorce & Family Private Client

Coronavirus - Enforcing Child Arrangement Orders

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

We have been inundated with calls from concerned parents about how the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the government lockdown is affecting their child arrangements.

Enforcing Child Arrangement Orders

Articles & Blogs Coronavirus (Covid-19) Private Client

Estate Administration During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

The death of a relative is always difficult, and obtaining probate can take time, but the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic may add additional complications when it comes to administering the estate of your loved one.

Estate Administration During the Coronavirus Pandemic