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VWV Articles & Blogs - Legal Updates and Best Practice

Articles & Blogs

Browse our law brief articles and blogs, aimed at addressing the practical implications of the latest legal developments affecting you and your organisation.

Articles & Blogs Pharma & Life Sciences

Innovation and regulation - are they going to get the balance right for UK AI?

Thursday, 21 March 2024

In February this year, the UK Government published its response to a consultation on the regulation of AI. The essential question was: "How pro-innovation are we going to be here in the UK, and does that require new legislation?"

Innovation and regulation - are they going to get the balance right for UK AI?

Articles & Blogs Pharma & Life Sciences

Contracting for University research services - £100m claim leaves both sides dissatisfied

Thursday, 21 March 2024

In a recent case, a University was handed a £1m bill to pay and a pharmaceutical company was left with a stunted development programme - and all for a £50k pre-clinical study.

Contracting for University research services - £100m opportunity claim leaves both sides dissatisfied

Articles & Blogs Employment

Employee with long clean disciplinary record fairly dismissed following racist incident

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has found that an employee was fairly dismissed for posting a racist joke to the staff intranet, despite his strong remorse over the incident.

Employee with long clean disciplinary record fairly dismissed following racist incident

Articles & Blogs Employment

Termination of actor's contract due to views on homosexuality was not direct discrimination

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has found that a claimant's contract was terminated due to adverse publicity generated by her views expressed on social media, rather than because of the views themselves.

Actor's contract terminated due to her views on homosexuality - did not suffer discrimination

Articles & Blogs Employment

ICO publishes employer guidance on sharing personal data in mental health emergencies

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has issued employer guidance on the extent to which it is permissible to share personal data about workers during a mental health emergency.

ICO publishes employer guidance on sharing personal data in mental health emergencies

Articles & Blogs Employment

Maximum Tribunal awards set to increase

Friday, 08 March 2024

This year's annual increase to the limits applying to certain Tribunal awards has been announced. The new figures will apply from 6 April 2024.

Maximum Tribunal awards set to increase

Articles & Blogs Employment

Sum paid under settlement agreement could not be apportioned for tax treatment

Friday, 08 March 2024

The Upper Tribunal has found that an entire settlement sum was used as a termination payment for tax legislation purposes, even though it was also used to settle claims for pre-termination discrimination.

Sum paid under settlement agreement could not be apportioned for tax treatment

Articles & Blogs Employment

When is it acceptable to record Tribunal proceedings to help a disabled claimant?

Thursday, 07 March 2024

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has confirmed the approach Tribunals should take when considering whether to allow a disabled unrepresented claimant to record a hearing.

When is it acceptable to record Tribunal proceedings to help a disabled claimant?

Articles & Blogs Private Client

Important changes for non-domiciled private clients - Spring Budget 2024

Thursday, 07 March 2024

The Chancellor announced the abolition of non-dom status in yesterday's Budget meaning big changes for foreign domiciliaries who live in or move to the UK.

Important changes for non-domiciled private clients - Spring Budget 2024

Articles & Blogs Charities

Stamp Duty Land Tax Relief for Charities

Saturday, 02 March 2024

This article explains how charities can benefit from Stamp Duty Land Tax relief.

Stamp Duty Land Tax Relief for Charities

Articles & Blogs Employment

Equal pay - pay difference justified for firefighters on secondment

Friday, 01 March 2024

A fire and rescue service has successfully defended an equal pay claim even though the claimant and comparators were engaged in 'like work' for the period of the claim.

Equal pay - pay difference justified for firefighters on secondment

Articles & Blogs Employment

Government publishes updated draft statutory code of practice on fire and re-hire

Friday, 01 March 2024

Following last year's consultation, the Government has published an updated draft statutory Code of Practice on 'fire and re-hire'. The updated draft Code is now subject to parliamentary approval and is likely to come into force by summer 2024.

Government publishes updated draft statutory code of practice on fire and re-hire

Articles & Blogs Charities

Unilateral demotion was considered breach of employment in unfair dismissal claim

Friday, 01 March 2024

An Employment Tribunal was wrong to conclude that a band 6 NHS employee’s reassignment to a band 5 position following a restructure did not breach an express term of his contract of employment for the purposes of his unfair dismissal claim.

Unilateral demotion was breach of employment for purposes of unfair dismissal claim

Articles & Blogs Charities

Upcoming changes to company law and Companies House requirements

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Charitable companies should be aware of changes to be introduced by Companies House. The changes will affect the information required for their confirmation statement.

Upcoming changes to company law and Companies House requirements

Articles & Blogs Charities

Property considerations in a charity merger

Thursday, 29 February 2024

If your charity is planning a merger and you are currently leasing property from a Landlord, this article will help guide you through the process and inform you of what you can consider in the preparation for a proposed merger.

Property considerations in a charity merger